The first tube with a built in independent brush !

A new ritual to improve your skincare routine.
Double protection :

  • No hand contact with the formula
  • No hand contact with your face

Easy to use : Lay down the formula directly on the generous soft kabuki brush then smooth the formula on your face or on targeted areas. Clean the brush after use. 

Sustainable : Keep the brush once your bottle is empty !

Suitable for : Face, neck

Types of formula : Mask, serum, moisturizer, treatment

Technical features :

Diameter : 30mm
Filling Capacity
 : From 25mL to 75 mL

Tuft : Vegan

Bottle material : PP 
Bottle decoration : Offset, Silk Screening, Hot Stamping, Labelling, Varnishing

Cap material : PP
Cap decoration : Metallization, Lacquering, H/S, S/S

New product


- https://player.vimeo.com/video/551477863?autoplay=1&loop=1&autopause=1&autopause=0 puis
Design patentOui
- https://player.vimeo.com/video/551477863?autoplay=1&loop=1&autopause=1&autopause=0 puis